A remarkable young man with a gift of healing...
Mark is a remarkable young man with a real gift of healing. As soon as you meet him, you will notice something different about him. He lives his life and deals with people in a slow, considered manner that might feel a little unusual at first, as we are all so busy running from one thing to another. His pace felt disconcertingly slow but intriguing and interesting at the same time.
I had several Reiki coaching sessions with him and was amazed at the profound sensations I had in my body during treatment. I felt afterwards that a part of me was open where I had been closed before. I felt much more peaceful and whole.
As I got to know him, I realised he absolutely practices what he preaches, hence his slowed down, heart-centred energy. I would not hesitate to recommend him and do so regularly!
Debbie Shaw – manager of Broadgate Chropractic and wellbeing space