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Published 8/11/16   10:55AM

Ways to get into the heart

If there’s one thing that helps us become present it’s coming into contact with your heart. In simple terms this means knowing the heart. How can we feel the most powerful energy in the universe? How can we feel this source of creation and ultimate knowing in every moment? There is no right answer to this. There is only finding

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Published 25/2/15   9:45AM

Compassion as a way of life

I want to write about something that is quite dear to my heart. This is the nature of compassion and how this calms the mind. The nature of compassion is the elixir of life. To be able to feel what another feels is what keeps you alive and where you want to keep your focus constantly. The best quote from

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Published 4/1/14   7:34PM

What is the most useful thing I could write about right now?

I thought a bit about what I should post for my first blog post on my website that I have just had designed for me and I thought about the nature of the content of what I wanted to write. I could write about a lot of things and some would have relevance to you and some would not be relevant.

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Published 25/5/13   10:55AM

How to inject Personal Power in your life

What is personal power and why am I so adamant to talk about it?? Where does the confusion with personal power lie? Personal power is the ability to take ‘right action’ in any situation. Right action is the ability to take the action that you know is right in the depth of your heart. It is the action that you know is right for

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Published 17/5/13   11:29AM

Forgiving yourself

Forgiveness is an overused word. We hear about Forgiveness and we think about saints and sinners. This is not the approach that I would like to come from regarding this post though. Forgiveness is the key to self-love and self-love is the key to relating to yourself. When I talk about self-love I do not mean from an egotistical perspective where we look

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<123>3 pages   12 entries

Published 17/5/13   11:29AM

Forgiving yourself

Forgiveness is an overused word. We hear about Forgiveness and we think about saints and sinners. This is not the approach that I would like to come from regarding this post though. Forgiveness is the key to self-love and self-love is the key to relating to yourself.

When I talk about self-love I do not mean from an egotistical perspective where we look in the mirror and say ‘I love myself’ over and over again, what I am talking about is a genuine acceptance and love for the self. This is a soft love, a gentle and forgiving love. It is the same love that loves every other being on the planet. Love can’t be separated. How do you say I love this but I don’t love that?… is it not impossible? It’s not possible to define exactly what you love and what you do not. Where do you draw the line, do you know where the line is?

Fundamentally this is a gentle love that accepts everything around you and so excepts the self. If you judge whats around you then you are judging the self. If you are in a frame saying I am right and you are wrong then you are not in a state of love, you are not in your natural state.

Remove all the barriers and love is there. Take down the walls and love is there. Accept yourself and love is there. It was there all along.

So how can we forgive ourselves easily and effortlessly??

Just realize that ultimately there is no person to forgive. Because we are all one we are naturally forgiven by the virtue that we are here, that we are the universe in special form. We are love. When there is no one to judge or be judged then we are naturally forgiven. We are one!

So remember to be kind to yourself and remember self-forgiveness is the key to love. Live life, laugh and be merry.


Published 12/5/13   1:48PM

Watching what you think at all times

Hi people. Today I want to talk about watching what you think at all times.

We take our minds for granted. The longer we do this the more we suffer for sure.

We need to be able to direct our minds to what our inner purposes are. If we are living a life that is off track with what we really want inside then we will feel bad. If we live a life that is on track with what we really want we feel good. The first step is always learning to unlock the access to the mind. Finding the key to our minds so to speak. We do this through constant observation.

When we are able to gain access to the power our minds through observation we can start to flow from thought to thought and situation to situation smoothly instead of feeling like it is such a struggle all the time. So at first we just practice observing. We observe the nature of our thoughts, how often our mind is truly at peace and the natural negativity within our minds…. Then when we become aware of this we allow our mind to slowly start creating in the direction that we want. We dont force anything. We keep giving soft guiding and trusting thoughts without pushing our thoughts through gritted teeth! Kind of like driving a car! When we turn the steering wheel we dont force it but we gently and consistently turn it as we respond to life (or the road in this case). At all times the engine or the awareness in our case is the power that makes this gentle guidance of the steering wheel possible. This is why we dont need to force.

Sure enough there will be times where we need to take massive action to get things done, become motivated and so forth but even this when done with an awareness that is effortless and just happens without thought. Keep being aware, and then keep gently guiding your thoughts back to what you want, and what you are going to do next. Stay in the present moment. Awareness is always the key. Feel that sense of power within and trust in your path. Trust all is right and trust that everything will always work out the way it is supposed to anyway.

We can’t fail but win in life. Life is consistently a moment of winnings. Every moment is a gift and every moment we can see the good in something.

<123456>6 pages   12 entries

Summary of blogs

Published 8/11/16   10:55AM

Ways to get into the heart

Published 25/2/15   9:45AM

Compassion as a way of life

Published 4/1/14   7:34PM

What is the most useful thing I could write about right now?

Published 25/5/13   10:55AM

How to inject Personal Power in your life

Published 17/5/13   11:29AM

Forgiving yourself

Published 12/5/13   1:48PM

Watching what you think at all times

Published 9/5/13   2:51PM

Being honest with things!

Published 25/4/13   3:55PM

Cultivating chi in your life

Published 19/3/13   1:20PM

Keeping up your strength in life

Published 6/2/13   6:28PM

Only doing what you want to do and keeping it simple

Published 3/2/13   5:23PM

Moving from fear into the light

Published 26/10/12   1:54PM

Being honest with yourself!

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