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Published 3/2/13   5:23PM

Moving from fear into the light

What do we have to do to make sure that we keep moving forward in life?

Face our fears, that’s all we have to do. Become present. So long as we are facing our fears ‘in our minds’ and moving through them on the outside level that’s all we can do, that’s all we need to do. Ask the question; what’s fears are stopping me moving forward in life? And then take your attention into it. Face it in your head, face it fully.

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Published 26/10/12   1:54PM

Being honest with yourself!

For my first post I want to start off by talking about facing ourselves. This can be in any way but we just need to be honest with ourselves as to what is going on inside of ourselves. Here is the issue most of the time we don’t even want to admit that what we are doing is potentially harmful

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<123>3 pages   12 entries

Published 8/11/16   10:55AM

Ways to get into the heart

If there’s one thing that helps us become present it’s coming into contact with your heart. In simple terms this means knowing the heart.

How can we feel the most powerful energy in the universe? How can we feel this source of creation and ultimate knowing in every moment?

There is no right answer to this. There is only finding YOUR way to the heart.

What is your inspiration in life? This is a start and will help you find that real joy as you go into life.

Passion is always important as a starting point and will help you on your path to the very deepest parts of your heart. Bring out the passion into life, work on the heart. From outer passion to inward work on the heart. This is the cycle and one leads to the other, and back again. The cycle continues and deepens. This is how to live one’s life at the very deepest level.

How do we find passion? Be honest with yourself – what are you denying yourself? Another clue is in how peaceful it makes you feel as you think about it. If it makes you feel peace within that’s a clue. Does joy come from this peace?

Another way is to try lots of new things and get out there and live your life. Uncertainty and variety make your life BUT stillness is needed or it becomes meaningless. This is where we come back to the inward work on the heart.

Inward work on the heart means meditation on love. How do we meditate on love? By allowing yourself to meditate on it in whatever form you like. Love does not need restriction and so to give yourself rules will not let it grow. Be free, go where you want in the meditation. What do you love? All love merges into one so keep meditating on love and there you will find the deepest heart of love.  There you will find the truth.

Other things that you can do to expand your heart are the following: (these may seem like crazy methods but go for it!)

  • Breathe in universal love into the heart. Stick with this. Be patient. What does it feel like? Breathe it down into all areas and limbs of the body until you are love.
  • Call love into the room. Try this.
  • Say the Ah mantra over and over again and feel your heart expand. Watch a you tube video on this to get the sound.
  • Put your hand over your heart and your other hand over your navel and say ‘I am love’. Keep saying this and meditate on the feeling.
  • Put your hand over your heart and your other hand over your navel and say ‘I connect with me’. Keep feeling this and meditate on the feeling of self-love.
  • Spend time next to trees and in nature.
  • Keep saying thank you as you go about your life. Say thank you for the beauty in a leaf or the summer’s glow of a flower as you focus in. See the beauty in everything and you will see the love that you are. This is the quickest way out of fear and into love. What do you love about a certain person? What is beautiful? What do you appreciate? See that beauty. See beauty everywhere and in everything. Spread that love. Be that love.
  • Lastly be kind to yourself. Let yourself off the hook.

Published 25/2/15   9:45AM

Compassion as a way of life

I want to write about something that is quite dear to my heart. This is the nature of compassion and how this calms the mind. The nature of compassion is the elixir of life. To be able to feel what another feels is what keeps you alive and where you want to keep your focus constantly. The best quote from a course in miracles that Jesus wrote through Helen Schuchman is;

‘The only appropriate response is compassion’

I want to talk about how we can be more compassionate starting today. If we can start always by having compassion for ourselves then we can more easily feel this for other people when we come into their presence because we know the nature of suffering within our self. By having compassion for ourselves we know ourselves and will naturally have strong but considerate values. Compassion makes us feel strong, and gives us the right amount of hope as we come into the present moment. It is the most positive and noble feeling a human being can experience and not a negative one of weakness as some people seem to think, even ‘spiritual’ people have resistance to it. This is the delusion of society that keeps is trapped in 3rd dimensional consciousness. By giving to others you become stronger yourself and it is the ultimate and quickest form of spiritual growth.

What do you feel for other people? Are you aware? Do you even know or are you so stuck in your own problems that other people haven’t even bared a thought for them. This is to be cut off from the throb of the cosmos.

Re- establish yourself now by facing yourself. Face yourself in full intensity and be honest with what you see. Only then will you have the capacity to love to your fullest in this life. What will you look back upon on your life and say when you are nearing your end. Will you look back and say that you lived a life of love?

Look at yourself in the mirror and see if you can stare deeply into your eyes for long periods. This reveals a lot about you and your state of self love. If you find this uncomfortable stick with it until you can look at yourself with transparency. This exercise will gain you to know your soul more than any other. In the meanwhile have compassion while you get to know all the insecure and needy parts of yourself. Love them and embrace them softly as they come up like you are looking at a gentle and vulnerable child in the mirror. You are. Encourage everyone you meet to trust you by looking at them directly in the eyes and holding eye contact. This says a lot about you. Look at them like you are looking at yourself and imagine you know them as deeply as you know yourself. Imagine you are looking in the mirror still if you need. Compassion spreads like wildfire and is a soft gentle form of love that holds so much power. The power to trust. The power to say lets drop our silly little selves and be real. Let’s forget the pain of the past and let’s join in the bliss of this moment and put our vulnerability in each other’s hands. Let’s really trust. This is the energy of love that is now coming into the planet.

When you can hold compassion throughout the day you are never far away from your soul and from the self knowledge and wisdom it entails. Imagine yourself knowing everything. If you know other people you do know everything. They are the window to all the universal knowledge that you require. If you dream of special powers still then it is a sign your ego is still in charge. Drop it by connecting to life itself. Drop it by connecting to people.

Also spend time in nature becoming aware of the nature of compassion. Become aware of how compassion is the interwoven fabric of everything and how it flows and ebbs between all of life. See it in the flower, in the wind in the sun beaming through the trees on a misty summers evening. Feel it in the cobweb of a spider. Feel it all, and feel this same magic within yourself. Feel it’s flow as well as its soft, peaceful and blissful nature. Connecting with nature should be the norm in society not the exception.

Where do you see yourself going next? No matter where you go whether it be the hardest Rio de Janeiro slum or the dirtiest inner city area compassion will never be far away from its brick walls. To love is the most human thing we can possibly be capable of so why be scared of it? Embrace it and feel it and allow yourself to enjoy being soft once more so you can help others into this state.

Feel yourself be transformed every day and every night. Make this the year of transformation where you loved more than any other. How do we love? We love by accessing compassion and seeing it around us in ever circumstance but mostly in ourselves in every moment we exist. There is no moment to ever feel tired of life. Feel that magic around you at all times.

See if you can become aware of your compassionate heart chakra that sits in the centre of your chest just underneath the Thymus gland. Feel it’s power of immunity and the body come to life as you feel compassion. Compassion gives you immunity and good health.

Look at someone you don’t know and say; I love you inside and notice how they open their heart to you. Now you know the power of thoughts and sending wishing compassionate energy to another. Be aware of this energy you hold for good and for negative effect and vow only to let love in and through you. Let your mind calm in the bliss of your heart.

One last thing to say we are now coming into an age where helping others is going to be the cornerstone of how we work. Smooth natural and non manipulative energy flow is how we are shaping the future. Let’s all create this wonderful reality together in the timeless now.

<123456>6 pages   12 entries

Summary of blogs

Published 8/11/16   10:55AM

Ways to get into the heart

Published 25/2/15   9:45AM

Compassion as a way of life

Published 4/1/14   7:34PM

What is the most useful thing I could write about right now?

Published 25/5/13   10:55AM

How to inject Personal Power in your life

Published 17/5/13   11:29AM

Forgiving yourself

Published 12/5/13   1:48PM

Watching what you think at all times

Published 9/5/13   2:51PM

Being honest with things!

Published 25/4/13   3:55PM

Cultivating chi in your life

Published 19/3/13   1:20PM

Keeping up your strength in life

Published 6/2/13   6:28PM

Only doing what you want to do and keeping it simple

Published 3/2/13   5:23PM

Moving from fear into the light

Published 26/10/12   1:54PM

Being honest with yourself!

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